Fantastic Four


Fantastic Four 〰️

Our Fantastic Four program builds on the social/emotional, cognitive, language, and gross motor skills introduced in our three-year-old program. We use the Rhode Island Early Learning Developmental Standards (RIELDS) as the basis for creating our curriculum.

A typical day begins with a morning meeting followed by a brief group project time and snack. Following snack the children are free to explore our classroom learning centers. Learning centers have been carefully created with your child’s interests and learning styles in mind. Centers include blocks, dramatic play, library, science, math, music, art, fine motor, and literacy each has a wealth of accessible materials available to spark your child’s natural curiosity.

Our day continues on the playground where we value bringing our classroom to the great outdoors. Weather permitting, we have lunch outside and end our day with a song. To promote a sense of community and responsibility, the children rotate classroom jobs weekly; one week, they may be the gardener taking care of class plants the next our meteorologist reporting the weather.

The goal of Fantastic Four is to promote independence and social skills such as self-regulation and communication, critical thinking skills, and physical health and development.

Working together as a team with children and their families is important to us. We celebrate each child’s individuality every day!

Our Fantastic Four class meets on Monday/Wednesday/Friday mornings from 8:30-12:30.